Run❤️Psy PsyTrance Best Running Playlist
Add PsyTrance to your Running music Playlists :) 5K 10K 21.1K
Run❤️Psy PsyTrance Best Running Playlist
Add PsyTrance to your Running music Playlists :) 5K 10K 21.1K
Add PsyTrance to your Running music Playlists :) 5K 10K 21.1K
Add PsyTrance to your Running music Playlists :) 5K 10K 21.1K
Addictions are swappable! Don't fight your bad addictions, you're wasting energy, Simply trade one for running. If unfortunately, you don't have any to trade, It's still a great one to start with. Psytrance makes running addictive.
PsyTrance became the waves upon my thought are surfing.
It is a tool I use to gather my thoughts when in need of deep focus. RUN PSY are sets of Psy Trance Playlists dedicated specifically for my runs. Happy to share :)
In the daily race called life, Running has so many values.
It's a break from sitting still. it's a time alone with yourself and for yourself. It's a time to sweat out stress and release your mind. Meditate. Run with music. Run with psytrance.
RUN PSY playlists Beats per Minute (BPM) that is slower than your Run Cadence (SPM). Your body, breath, and heart all beat at their own pace. That separation in pace enhances the Mind Ride during your run. Each playlist is built for a different journey.
Take in endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine at the park or the beach while jumping up and down over 10,000 times, and with great trance playlists for running. That's 3-4 mini raves a week for me.
Avoid running injury by sticking to the goals you set before your run (Heart rate, Pace...). PsyTrance can fool you to over push yourself, It can hide body fatigue and at times to make you try catching up with your energy boosts. Run Safe and High.